jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

no more global warming

Global warming is a phenomenon in the temperature measurements showing an increase in average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades.
It is a theory that predicts, based on projections based on computer simulations of future growth temperatures.
order to avoid this problem we must do the following:
Reducing the use of your car at 15 miles per week 230Kilos avoid emitting carbon dioxide a year.
self contributes 10% of carbon monoxide affects the atmosphere.
One hectare of trees removed, over a year, the same amount of carbon dioxide they produce four families in that same time. A single tree removes one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
Producing a kilo of meat uses more water than 365 showers burning. In addition, you avoid eating fresh foods frozen food produce consumed 10 times more energy.
Reducing the excess energy to prevent countries from being in the need for oil, coal or gas for energy supply cornering
By reusing 100 kilos of paper, it saves the lives of at least seven trees.
Moreover, the manufacture of recycled paper consumes between 70% and 90% less energy and prevent global deforestation continues.